Changes in The European Charter for Researchers (part 4)

One of the most urgent needs in the European research sector is developing clear guidelines for improving the status of researchers and improving research career paths. The 4th pillar that is in the proposal for updating The European Charter for Researchers from 2005 relates to research talent development by exploring the following issues: 1. Valuing …

Changes in The European Charter for Researchers (part 3)

The European Charter for Researchers outlines principles fostering a conducive relationship between researchers and employers, promoting successful knowledge generation, mobility, and career development. It emphasizes responsibility and professionalism, applicable to researchers at all career stages across diverse research fields in the EU, embracing various roles beyond research activities. The Charter underscores the value of mobility …

Changes in The European Charter for Researchers (part 2)

“The Charter and Code for Researchers from 2005 need to be revised to respond to the new reality and the current challenges faced by researchers and institutions, including better integration of gender equality and inclusiveness as well as Open Science practices. The new version should be streamlined to simplify its implementation, and the uptake beyond …

Changes in The European Charter for Researchers (part 1)

The European Charter for Researchers is one of the most important policy documents embedded in the very foundations of research in Europe. Since its first publication in 2005, almost 20 years have passed and, given the ever-changing climate in European research and innovation, the European Commission has recognized the need for its improvement, which is …

iRECS Project Promotes Ethical Governance in Evolving Research Landscape

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the importance of ethics in research has never been more critical. On November 13, the EUA (European University Association) is hosting an online focus group and gathering insights and feedback from university leaders, researchers, and experts to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of research ethics. This initiative is part …

European University Associations Join Forces to Improve Research Careers

YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network) and several other prominent university associations  (Aurora Universities, Coimbra Group, European University Association, and The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities)  have issued a collective statement that responds directly to the European Commission’s Proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial …

Gender Equality in Higher Education – an International Conference Explores Leadership

The European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) has announced its 8th conference set to take place on November 2-3, 2023, in Istanbul, Turkey. The event, co-organized by EWORA, Istanbul Technical University ARI Technopark, and Kadir Has University, boasts a special focus on “Global Female Leadership and the Future of Universities.” It also marks the 15th anniversary …

Tenure Track: Boosting Academic Careers in Europe

In a rapidly changing landscape of global research and academia, competition for highly talented researchers is reaching new heights. The European Research Area (ERA) is striving to remain at the forefront of scientific excellence, and it recognizes the pivotal role of recruiting and retaining top research talent. However, the journey to sustaining the ERA’s research …

Addressing the Brain Drain: A Path to Sustainable Development in Europe

Europe has experienced a notable increase in the emigration of high-skilled workers, a phenomenon commonly referred to as “brain drain.” In 2021, 32% of EU movers possessed a high level of education, compared to 28% in 2016. While the circulation of talent between countries can yield beneficial outcomes, the brain drain has significant negative effects. …