Europe has experienced a notable increase in the emigration of high-skilled workers, a phenomenon commonly referred to as “brain drain.” In 2021, 32% of EU movers possessed a high level of education, compared to 28% in 2016. While the circulation of talent between countries can yield beneficial outcomes, the brain drain has significant negative effects.

In today’s rapidly changing world, having a competent and skilled workforce is indispensable for development and progress. Highly trained professionals are the driving force behind innovation, economic growth, and social advancement. However, Europe has been grappling with a concerning trend – the mass emigration of high-skilled workers. That poses significant challenges, particularly in Eastern and Southern European countries, but a multifaceted approach is emerging to address the issue and foster sustainable development.
Brain drain is a complex interplay of factors that lead individuals to leave their home regions. Push factors, such as structural youth unemployment, inadequate education systems, poor working conditions, and political instability, compel individuals to seek better opportunities abroad. Conversely, pull factors in destination regions, like higher living standards, access to healthcare, superior job prospects, and cultural attractions, attract these skilled professionals. Education and research facilities play a key-role. Many emigrants leave their home countries due to limited access to quality education and prestigious universities. In Romania, which is experiencing a severe brain drain, a shortage of researchers has hampered research and innovation capabilities, highlighting the role of education and research institutions in shaping the decisions of skilled professionals.
Brain drain is not merely an economic concern; it exacerbates regional disparities within the European Union. As individuals migrate to more developed regions, the countries they leave behind face economical challenges, innovation deficits, and demographic imbalances. Highly skilled professionals, often young and educated, are at the forefront of immigration, causing a decline in the working-age population and contributing to the problem of an aging society. Critical sectors, such as research and innovation, experience a shortage of skilled workers, which impacts the provision of essential services and overall productivity.
European Union and its member states have implemented several initiatives to tackle the brain drain challenge. The Policy Support Facility (PSF) and joint action plans aim to address demographic changes, reduce regional disparities, and provide data to address educational inequalities. National governments are also adopting strategies to enhance domestic opportunities, improve work environments, offer competitive salaries, and bolster research and innovation ecosystems. They are implementing initiatives to engage with diaspora communities abroad, strengthening connections and encouraging the return of skilled migrants to contribute to their home countries.
Addressing the brain drain is crucial for nurturing economic growth and innovation, especially in regions with talent shortages. It requires a comprehensive approach, including improving domestic opportunities, investing in education and research, creating inclusive work environments, and offering competitive salaries and career prospects. Both national governments and the European Union must work together to combat brain drain, with the implementation of PSF recommendations playing a pivotal role. European countries can retain their brightest minds and lay the foundation for a more sustainable future by taking proactive measures and fostering collaboration.
For further information visit the recent EC’s publication on brain drain and the PSF website.